This week it has all been about Cannes. Anyone even remotely famous dashed to the French Rivera for the glitz and glamour as well as a little champagne. And 2014 did not disappoint.
The festival is not only a huge platform for showcasing new movies, but is a staple in any fashionista diary. Just like Ryan Gosling – Chanel, Dior and Monique Lhuiller turned up and gave us a week full of amazing Instagram shots.
But it wasn’t just the movie stars taking part in the posing – some of our favourite pop-stars, bloggers and models gave the crowd something to ogle at. Here’s a week through Instagram’s eyes… #Cannes2014.
Cheryl Cole in Monique Lhuiller
It is official! Cheryl can do no wrong. Shots of her wandering in her Monique Lhuiller gown are just infectious. This lady seriously knows how to work it. Cheryl attended Cannes in 2013 and had some amazing princess moments but this dress just tops it for me.
Cara Delevigne in Chanel
Another favourite was Cara Delevingne. With over 5 million Instagram followers, whichever dress she wore was always going to be projected across the world and back in a matter of seconds – cue the designer wars! But it was Chanel that won the battle and Cara matched her lips to the carpet and sparkled in between.
Chiara Ferrangi in Emilio Pucci
Lastly, one of the most liked shots to grace Instagram this week was from The Blonde Salad. Chiara Ferrangi stays true to her roots and oozes sex appeal in Italian favourite Emilio Pucci.
So what was your favourite look from #Cannes2014? Tweet us at @pandoradress or visit our Facebook page to comment.